It’s Thursday evening, November 15th, and I’m in a hotel (with good internet service) at the JoBurg (Johannesburg, South Africa) airport getting ready to leave for Patagonia in the morning, so let me catch y’all up on the last adventure and exploration filled three and a half weeks
The map above is the trip that Jonty Medcalf of Timbuktu travel designed for Chris and me (he’s a genius, and can do the same for you – website – https://www.timbuktutravel.com/ – or drop me a note and I’ll put you in touch with him directly).
The start was in Joburg, on August 31, and the long straight line was our flight to Windhoek (Namibia) where we picked up the rental “car”
Chris was with me for a month, until Victoria Falls (at the top of the map (above) where it says Zambia, through Namibia and Botswana, and then had to return home, and I continued alone, through Zimbabwe, and into South Africa – Kruger Park (the lighter colored portion between “Limpopo” and “Mozambique” (below) and then into Swaziland (a separate small kingdom, tucked between South Africa and Mozambique).
Then along the Indian Ocean coast to yet another Kingdom (fully surrounded by South Africa) Lesotho (pronounced Le se thu – very confusing).
Getting into Lesotho from the East (my route) is through a quite adventurous mountain pass – Sani Pass – we had a car and driver from Drackenburg Tours for a 4 day foray into this fascinating Kingdom.
Sani Pass was our way into and out of Lesotho, so after the second trip (up and down) I was an accomplished passenger on one of the continent’s more “interesting” roads – it was a donkey road originally, and the first automobile to make it over was in the early 1950’s – a US Army Willy’s Jeep (surplus from World War 2) around turns so tight they had to back up over the abyss to make the hairpin turns.
A few days later, driving on my own, I took an interesting-looking side road and “discovered” Joubert’s Pass (completed in 1914)
When I told Jonty about it later he said “I never heard of that one” (he’s a South African native, so I was pretty pleased to add to his fund of knowledge). This is a great pass (unless you meet an oncoming car, and then it gets “interesting”).
Other roads near sea level are also “interesting”, with these sorts of warnings
Walking down this boardwalk (after the warning sign above, was a beautiful little hike, in the rain, and fortunately it was too wet for the crocodiles.
The next adventure was “cage diving”; looking for sharks – this (below) is from the promotional brochure from Marine Dynamics.
You get into a cage on the side of the boat, standing on a platform, waiting for the shark to come and look at you (being VERY CAREFUL to keep your fingers inside).
When the shark comes you can drop down and look it in the eyes from under water.
The Great White sharks weren’t around during our venture, but their somewhat less ferocious cousins (Copper sharks) were. Here’s the view from inside the cage as one went after the bait. The water was very murky from a storm the day before, so the under-water view wasn’t good, but standing on the top deck (second picture below) was pretty great.

Another “adventure” was to a small artist’s town (quite similar to Taos, actually) that offered the advice below at the local micro-brewery
And then off to Cape Town for a few days.
Table Mountain in the picture below – Jonty very graciously took me around town and the Cape of Good Hope (picture’s further below), and his wife, Lauren, who’s a certified (and very experienced) guide, took me for a great hike on Table Mountain, in the fog and rain (which broke periodically for some fantastic views of this fascinating and beautiful city) and then through the very beautiful Botanical Gardens on the following day.
After three days in Cape Town I wandered through Wine Country (the South African wines are quite good) and did my part to help conserve water (the region has had a severe drought for several years).
After that bit of civic duty I sampled the excellent oysters along the coast (they’re worth the trip)
And then caught up with my friends Chris and Valerie Maher (and son’s Milo and Caleb) from Cooking Studio Taos, who do an overseas trip (or two) every year, for several days at a hands-on cooking “experience”, at a delightful retreat right on the ocean, with a group of both old and new friends.
A great way to end the Africa Adventure. Lots more to experience – I’ll be back.
And now off to the next adventure – Patagonia !
Great overview of the adventure. Also great to see some photos of you having a great time. Those hippo crossing signs always make me laugh, even though they are extremely serious. Can’t wait to follow the next stage of the adventure. You’re only half-way done!
Pretty crazy, eh? It’s sure missing OR for.
George, it all looks fantastic. I especially like the shark cage photo of you – stylin’!!!
You know about stylin. Funny that my travel genius works for Timbuktu
What a nice detailed way to have us join your adventure. Keep those great photos coming. And yes, watch those hippos! They always have right of way. Cheers!
I have a great video clip of a herd (?) of Hippos making way for a family of elephants (haven’t yet figured out how to post videos). Thanks for the kind words, Lore – my inner photographer is smiling.
You must just be taking a short break from all your inspiring travels. I was gld to see that the Snow Gods have blessed Taos early. Save February 22nd at TSV. Dave Hahn is going to give one of his inspiring (and amusing) talks after skiing, and it will be a mini-event to help our project. Stay tuned. Best to you both.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful tales and photos of your African adventures, George. I have been following your entries with armchair enthusiasm, eager for the next. Best wishes on the next leg of your trip and know you have a loving audience keeping you company from all parts of the world.
Thanks, Linda – the trip is fun and full of adventure (of course), and I’m really enjoying the blogging and connecting with so many friends. Happy Thanksgiving, and all the best to you and my other Los Alamos Rotary friends
George!! I love it. Your posts are great. I especially also love the picture of you in the shark cage
Thanks, Lauren – I thought it was showing the “inner me”.
Thanks, Lauren. Having a blast
You’re looking good George! You’ve done South Africa justice with your stunning photos! Can’t wait for next leg! Joan
Thanks, Joan
Thanks, Joan – blogging as quickly as slow internet in remote areas allows
So enjoyed being with you in Plett — love the photos and spicy commentary. See you next year in Taos!
It was nice, Nancy Looking forward to seeing you both in Taos (and elsewhere).